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Blue Cross of California
What the Plans Do Not Cover

Every health plan has exclusions and limitations — what the plans do not cover. General exclusions and limitations for plans described in this  brochure are listed here, along with additional exclusions and limitations  for the dental plans. Additional exclusions and limitations for the medical  plans are listed in the enclosed brochures: PlanScape® for Individuals and Individual and Family HMO Plans .

Please take a few moments to review these listings and the listings in the PlanScape® and HMO brochures. We want you to understand what your coverage does not include before you enroll.

These listings are an overview only. Plan-specific Evidence of Coverage booklets contain a comprehensive list of each plan’s exclusions and limitations. For a sample copy of an Evidence of Coverage booklet, ask your agent or contact us.

Exclusions and Limitations Common to All Individual Medical Plans

  • Conditions covered by workers’ compensation or similar laws.

  • Experimental or investigative care or therapy.

  • Any services provided by a local, state, county or federal government agency, including any foreign government.

  • Services or supplies not specifically listed as covered under the plan agreement.

  • Services received before your Effective Date or during an inpatient stay that began before your Effective Date.

  • Services rendered before coverage begins or after coverage ends.

  • Services or supplies for which no charge is made, or for which no charge would be made if you had no insurance coverage or services for which you are not legally obligated to pay.

  • Services provided by relatives, and professional services received from a person who lives in your home or who is related to you by blood, marriage or adoption.

  • Any services to the extent you are entitled to receive Medicare benefits for those services without payment of additional premium for Medicare coverage. For parts of Medicare requiring additional premium payment, services are excluded for those parts of Medicare the member has enrolled in.

  • Services or supplies that are not medically necessary, as determined by Blue Cross of California or BC Life & Health.

  • Routine physical exams, except for preventive care services (e.g., physical exams for insurance, employment, licenses or school are not covered). Except as specifically stated for PPO Share 500/1000 plans.

  • Any amounts in excess of the maximum amounts stated in the Maximum Comprehensive and Copayment/Coinsurance Lists sections of your agreement.

  • Sex change operations or related treatment and study.

  • Cosmetic surgery or other services for beautification, including any complications arising from or the result of cosmetic surgery, except for reconstructive surgery.*

  • Services primarily for weight reduction or treatment of obesity, or any care which involves weight reduction as the main method of treatment, except medically necessary treatment of morbid obesity with our prior authorization.

  • Dental care and treatment or treatment on or to the teeth and gums — unless covered under accidental injury.

  • Dental implants.

  • Hearing aids.

  • Contraceptive drugs or devices including Norplant and Norplant kits, except injectable contraceptives when administered by a physician. (Contraceptives are covered under all plans’ prescription benefits except the Basic Plan.)

  • All services related to the evaluation or treatment of infertility, including all tests, consultations, medications, surgical, medical or lab procedures, and reversal of sterilization.

  • Private duty nursing, including inpatient or outpatient services of a private duty nurse.

  • Eyeglasses or contact lenses unless specified in your plan agreement.

  • Certain eye surgeries, including those solely for the purpose of correcting refractive defects of the eye such as nearsightedness (myopia) and astigmatism, and for farsightedness (presbyopia).

  • Diagnostic admissions, including inpatient room and board charges in connection with a hospital stay primarily for diagnostic tests that could have been safely performed on an outpatient basis, and inpatient admissions primarily for diagnostic studies when inpatient bed care is not medically necessary.

  • Mental and nervous disorders, substance abuse, and learning disabilities, except as specifically stated under the benefits sections of the plan agreement.

  • Orthopedic shoes (except when joined to braces) or shoe inserts, except for limited benefits as stated in the Evidence of Coverage.

  • Orthodontic services, braces, and other orthodontic appliances.

  • No payment will be made for services or supplies for the treatment of a preexisting condition during a period of six months following your effective date. This limitation does not apply to a child born or newly adopted by an enrolled subscriber or spouse. Also, if you were covered under qualifying prior coverage within 63 days of becoming covered under this Agreement, the time spent under the qualifying prior coverage will be used to satisfy, or partially satisfy, the six-month period.

  • Consultations provided by telephone or facsimile machines.

  • Educational services except as specifically provided or arranged by Blue Cross.

  • Nutritional counseling and food supplements except as stated in your plan agreement.

  • No benefits are provided for care and treatment furnished in a non-contracting hospital, except for medical emergencies as specified in your agreement.

  • Items which are furnished primarily for your personal comfort or convenience: air purifiers, air conditioners, humidifiers, exercise equipment, treadmills, spas, elevators and supplies for comfort, hygiene or beautification.

  • Custodial care. Custodial care is care that does not require the services of trained medical or health professionals, such as, but not limited to, help in walking, getting in and out of bed, bathing, dressing, preparation and feeding of special diets, and supervision of medications that are ordinarily self-administered. Domiciliary, or rest cures for which facilities and/or services of a general acute hospital are not medically required, including resident treatment centers are also excluded.

  • * Does not apply to reconstructive surgery to restore a bodily function or to correct a deformity caused by injury or medically necessary reconstructive surgery performed to restore symmetry incident to mastectomy.

  • Services furnished through outdoor treatment programs.

  • Outpatient speech therapy

  • Benefits for Hospice services are limited to a lifetime maximum of $10,000 per member for participating an non-participating providers combined (BC Life PPO Share 5000, BC Life PPO Share 1000, BC Life PPO Share 5000, PPO Saver, PPO Basic only).

  • Genetic testing for non-medical reasons or when there is not a medical indication or no family history of genetic abnormality.

Additional Exclusions and Limitations for Basic PPO 1000/2500 Only

  • Maternity care.

  • Preventive benefits, except for Pap and PSA tests, and mammograms, not specifically listed in the plan policy.

  • Outpatient prescription drugs

  • Acupuncture/Acupressure

  • Physician office visits and associated costs, except as specifically described in the Certificate.

  • Physical or occupational medicine or chiropractic services, except provided during an inpatient hospital confinement.

  • Eye glasses and eye examinations.

Additional Exclusions and Limitations for PPO Saver Only

  • Maternity Care

Additional Exclusions and Limitations for Medical HMO Plans Only

  • Care not authorized by your Primary Care Physician at your participating medical group (PMG) or  IPA.

  • Growth hormone treatment.

  • Amounts in excess of customary and reasonable charges for out-of-area emergency services.

  • Eyeglasses or contact lenses unless specified in your plan agreement.

  • Acupuncture/Acupressure

  • Chiropractic Services

  • Immunizations for foreign travel not specifically listed as covered.

  • Treatment for chronic alcoholism or other substance abuse unless specified in the plan agreement.

  • Inpatient mental care, including acute alcoholism and drug addiction benefits except detoxification.

  • Treatment of mental and nervous disorders except as stated in the plan agreement.

  • Rehabilitative care except as stated in the plan agreement.

  • Private room, unless specified in the plan agreement.

  • Reconstructive surgery, purchase or replacement of artificial limbs or prosthesis unless the  medical condition creating the need for the limb or prosthesis occurred while you were covered  under the plan.

  • Medical, surgical and/or psychological treatment of a sexual dysfunction except when a sexual dysfunction is a result of a physical abnormality, defect or disease.

  • Medical, surgical services, supplies or treatment to the joint of the jaw (temporomandibular joint), upper jaw (maxilla) or lower jaw (mandible), unless related to a tumor or accident occurring while covered.

  • Routine physical examinations or tests that do not directly treat an acute illness, injury or condition unless authorized by your Primary Care Physician, except in no event will any physical examination or test required by employment or government authority, or at the request of a third  party, such as a school, camp or sports-affiliated organization, be covered unless medically necessary.

  • Care or treatment of a pregnancy, or any condition related to pregnancy (except treatment of complications of pregnancy or Cesarean section deliveries) when conception has occurred before the effective date of the plan agreement. However, if you were covered under Creditable Coverage within 62 days of becoming covered, the time spent under Creditable Coverage will be used to satisfy, or partially satisfy the six (6) month period.

Exclusions and Limitations Common to All Individual Dental Plans:

  • Conditions covered by workers’ compensation or similar laws.

  • Experimental or investigative care or therapy (except for the Dental SelectHMO).

  • Any services provided by a local, state, county or federal government agency including any foreign government.

  • Services or supplies not specifically listed as covered under the plan agreement.

  • Conditions arising from any act of war, invasion, armed aggression or release of nuclear energy.

  • Services received before your Effective Date or during an inpatient stay that began before your Effective Date.

  • Services rendered before coverage begins or after coverage ends.

  • Services or supplies for which no charge is made, or for which no charge would be made if you  had no insurance coverage or services for which you are not legally obligated to pay.

  • Services provided by relatives, and professional services received from a person who lives in your home or who is related to you by blood, marriage or adoption.

  • Any services to the extent that you are entitled to receive Medicare benefits for those services, whether or not Medicare benefits are actually paid

Additional Exclusions and Limitations for Dental PPO Plan Only:

  • Any amounts in excess of the maximum amounts stated in the Benefit Schedule section.

  • Any services performed for cosmetic purposes are not covered under this policy, unless they are for correction of functional disorders or as a result of an accidental injury occurring while you were  covered under this policy.

  • Charges for treatment by other than a licensed dentist or physician, except charges for dental prophylaxis performed by a licensed dental hygienist, under the supervision and direction of a dentist.

  • Replacement of an existing prosthesis which has been lost or stolen; or which in the opinion of the dentist is or can be made satisfactory.

  • Replacement of a fixed or removable prosthesis for which benefits were paid by us, if such replacement occurs within five years of the original placement, unless the denture is a stayplate used during the healing period for recently extracted anterior teeth.

  • Orthodontic services, braces appliances and all related services.

  • Diagnosis or treatment of the joint of the jaw and/or occlusion (the way upper and lower teeth meet) services, supplies or appliances provided in connection with:

— Any treatment to alter, correct, fix, improve, remove, replace, reposition, restore or otherwise treat the joint of the jaw (temporomandibular joint) or associated musculature, nerves and other tissues for any reason or by any means.

— Any treatment, including crowns, caps and/or bridges to change the way the upper and lower teeth meet (occlusion).

— Treatment to change vertical dimension (the space between the upper and lower jaw) for any reason or by any means including the restoration of vertical dimension because teeth have worn down.

  • Procedures requiring appliances or restorations (other than those for replacement of structure loss from caries) that are necessary to alter, restore or maintain occlusions. These include but are not limited to:

— Changing the vertical dimension.

— Replacing or stabilizing lost tooth structure by attrition, abrasion, or erosion.

— Realignment of teeth.

— Gnathological recording (recording of the movement of the jaws for the purpose of mounting functional models of the teeth).

— Occlusal equilibration.

— Periodontal splinting.

  • Oral examinations, including prophylaxis (teeth cleaning), exceeding two visits per year.

  • More than one set of full-mouth x-rays or its equivalent in a three-year period.

  • Fluoride applications and sealants for patients over 18 years of age. Fluoride applications  exceeding two visits per year.

  • Correction of congenital or development malformation for a policyholder or dependent including  but not limited to cleft palate, maxillary or mandibular (upper and lower jaw) malformations, enamel hypoplasia (lack of development), fluorosis (a type of discoloration of the teeth), and  anodontia (congenitally missing teeth).

  • Adjustment, repairs or relines to prostheses for a period of six months from initial placement if the prostheses were paid for under this policy.

  • Fixed bridges, removable cast partials and/or cast crowns with or without veneers and inlays for  patients under 16 years of age.

  • Replacement of crowns and cast restorations including porcelain inlays and porcelain crowns for which benefits were paid by BC Life, if such replacement occurs within five years of the original placement.

  • If a policyholder transfers from the care of one dentist to that of another dentist during the course of treatment, or if more than one dentist renders services for one dental procedure, BC Life shall be liable only for the amount it would have been liable for had one dentist rendered the services.

  • Prescribed drugs, pre-medication or analgesia (relief of pain).

  • Oral hygiene instruction.

  • Services for treatment of malignancies and neoplasms are not covered dental benefits.

  • All hospital costs and any additional fees charged by the dentist for hospital treatment.

  • Implants (materials implanted into or on bone or soft tissue), or the removal of implants are not benefits under this policy. However, if implants are provided in association with a covered  prosthetic appliance, BC Life will allow the benefit for a standard complete or partial denture or a bridge toward the cost of implants and the prosthetic appliances.

  • Replacement of teeth missing prior to the effective date of coverage with partial dentures, complete dentures, or fixed bridges.

Additional Exclusions and Limitations for Blue Cross Dental SelectHMO Plans Only:

  • Unless an exception is specifically authorized by Blue Cross in writing, dental services must be received from the member’s participating dental office or participating specialty office.

  • No benefits are provided for hospital or associated physician charges for any dental treatment that cannot be performed in the participating dental office.

  • Prescription drugs are not covered.

  • Treatment of fractures or dislocations.

  • Dental treatment or expenses incurred or in connection with any dental procedure started prior to the member’s effective date.

  • Any treatment to correct a dental condition that resulted from dental services performed by a non-participating dentist while this coverage is in effect, and any dental services started by a non- participating dentist will not be the responsibility of the participating dental office or Blue Cross for completion.

  • Histopathological exams, and/or the removal of tumors, cysts, neoplasms, and foreign bodies not covered under the medical plan.

  • A dental treatment plan which in the opinion of the participating dentist and/or Blue Cross is not dentally necessary for dental health or will not produce beneficial results.

  • Teeth with questionable, guarded or poor prognosis are not covered for endodontic treatment, periodontal surgery or crowns and bridges. Plan will allow for observation or extraction and prosthetic replacement.

  • Gold, porcelain or resin fillings on primary teeth are excluded.

  • Services received after the benefit limit under this agreement is reached.

  • Orthodontic services must be received from a participating orthodontic office. In the event of a member’s loss of coverage, for any reason, and at the time of loss of coverage, the member is still receiving orthodontic treatment, the member will be responsible for the remainder of the cost  for that treatment at the participating orthodontist’s usual and customary fee, prorated.

  • Replacement of lost or stolen orthodontic appliances or repair of orthodontic appliances broken  due to negligence of the member may not be discounted.

  • Myofunctional therapy and related services.

  • Surgical procedures incidental to orthodontic treatment, including but not limited to extraction of teeth, solely for orthodontic reasons, exposure of impacted teeth, correction of micrognathia or macrognathia, or repair of cleft palate.

  • Treatment of orthodontic cases begun prior to the member’s effective date of eligibility or after the termination of eligibility of coverage.

  • Changes in treatment necessitated by an accident of any kind.

  • Treatment related to the joint of the jaw (temporomandibular joint, TMJ) and/or hormonal imbalance.

Blue Cross of California
Blue Cross of California and BC Life & Health Insurance Company are independent licensees of the Blue Cross Association and are licensed to conduct business in the State of California

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